Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Disaster and Education

Postman makes the distinction that the real problem today is not that people have started laughing instead of thinking, but that they do not know or understand what they are laughing at or why they have stopped thinking.  People today have stopped thinking about things or making their own decisions.  They have lost they ability to make their insights on different topics.  The people have lost the concept of having their own ideas and are not only depending on television to tell them what to think or do.  Postman pretty much sums up the whole book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, in the last paragraph. Television is changing everything about the culture of today and it is not exactly for the better. People are losing ideas and it changing the way people do things, which causes destruction to the way they think.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Talking...?

I found that attempting to only communicate by means of drawings with a white board was probably the most difficult thing I have ever done in my entire life.  No one could understand what I was trying to say.  I would attempt to draw what I wanted to tell them, but it would fail miserably, especially if the person you were trying to have a conversation with also could not talk.  We would both draw sad pictures back and forth and not know at all what the other person meant.  You would almost need a translator to help you out, someone who could actually talk and guess what you were drawing.  It was almost impossible to get the full meaning of what you want to say by just drawing or simply acting it out.  Neil Postman is trying to explain this to his reader.  Your message is only as good as how you can communicate it.  If you can only communicate with a drawing or by puffs of smoke, no one will truly understand your point.  I will most likely never ever be able to do that again and ended up slipping up a lot anyways. Worst day ever.


In Neil Postman's interview and in his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death, he is attempting to persuade his readers and listener that technology is taking over our world, and they are completely unaware of it.  In the first chapter of Postman's book, he talks about the invention of the clock. He mentions of clock has a bigger idea than just telling people the time. It changed everything about how people do things and what they do not do. The clock created more than just time.  In his interview Postman talks about how they had successfully managed to clone a sheep.  He has the same idea as the clock when he mentions this. Cloning will eventually become so much bigger, bringing around more problems than it can solve.
In the interview, Postman talks about how people will eventually not care about how they communicate and will start talking to things that obviously will not talk back but it will not matter because they will never know the difference. People will get so used to talking to machines like computers that they will not know how to communicate to a another actual person.  In his book, he mentions the fact that people that are running for positions in government are now being judged on their appearance instead of their ideas.  A while ago, people would not be able to judge someone by their appearance because they would not be able to see them and would only be able to judge on the person's ideas.
Neil Postman is scared for what technology will eventually make the human kind. He knows that it can not be good and is trying to warn people. He believes that if improvements in technology are continuing to be made, eventually the world will not know what to do with themselves.